Welcome to Happy Cans! Trashcan Cleaning Service in the Phoenix Metro Area.
(480) 466-0052
HQ in Gilbert, AZ

Residential Trashcan Cleaning Service

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How it works?

Residential Trashcan Cleaning Service

By the time we’re done with your trashcans you’ll have rainbows, fairies and miniature unicorns flying out of them . . . ok, maybe not. But at least they’ll smell better.

Your trashcans are cleaned at your curbside with our truck mounted pressure washer and catch basin system.

1.  The trashcan is lifted into position over the spray head and the power washer sprays water at 230 degrees, 1500 PSI, and 8 gallons per minute.

2.  After the dirt and grime are removed, the trashcan is lowered back to the street and the outside of your trashcan is cleaned.

3.  The inside is sprayed with a powerful deodorizer and disinfectant.

4.  Your trashcans are wheeled up next to your gate.

Drag the arrows below to see the full before and after photos.


Learn more from these frequently asked questions

These are some of the more common questions that we get. If you have a question not answered here then feel free to contact us.

Full pricing is listed below, also on the pricing page.
If you're a new customer then take advantage of the New Customer Special always posted at the top of our pricing page.
Pay after service is complete. To pay for an invoice, simply visit our website and click on the button that says "pay invoice" on the top right.
We clean them and deodorize them, which includes some disinfecting. But we still wouldn't recommend eating off it.
The Happy Cans Club has options that include every 4 weeks, every 8 weeks, and every 12 weeks. The best value is the every-4-week service, although customers could easily want an additional visit after doing yard work or accumulating garbage that is particularly smelly (think diapers, rotten food, etc, baking in the hot Arizona weather).
The garbage cans should be emptied by the city prior to the cleaning service. If there are small pieces of paper, debris or other garbage after the bins have been emptied by the city then our service includes the removal of this and the remaining residue. We handle whatever sticks to the walls of the bin after it's been emptied.
You can schedule the service anytime day or night with our online scheduling. Click any button or link on our website that says "order service". The appointment itself should be scheduled after the city empties the cans.
Pricing Plans

Join the

It’s called a trash can because it’s optimistic.
(If it was pessimistic it would be a trash can’t.)

Optimistically, you might like to join the Happy Cans Club, because you can of course.

Every 12 Weeks


Price is per visit
Services 2 Cans
2 Can Minimum
See below for additional cans

One Time


Price is per visit
Services 2 Cans
2 Can Minimum
See below for additional cans

More than 2 cans? No problem.

If you have more than 2 cans that need to be cleaned then it's $10 for each addtional can beyond the pricing above.
When Can I Receive Service?

Service Area & Schedule

Happy Cans provides service to different areas of the East Valley on different weeks of the month. Check out the maps below to see when service is provided in your area.

1st Week Of The Month
Queen Creek, San Tan Valley
2nd Week Of The Month
happy cans gilbert
3rd Week Of The Month
4th Week Of The Month
Chandler, Tempe, Ahwatukee